Title: A Day Like No Other
Speaker: Br. Pablo Garcia
Scripture: Joshua 10:9-14
Monthly Archives: February 2013
[Chinese] 2/24/2013
講題: 為義受逼迫與為主受逼迫
講員: 林三綱弟兄
經文: 馬太福音 5:10–12
[English] 2/17/2013
Title: The Blessedness of Unity
Speaker: Pastor James Tsang
Scripture: Psalm 133:1–3
[Chinese] 2/17/2013
講題: 有福的人
講員: 陳信評弟兄
經文: 詩篇 1:1–6
[Combined] 2/10/2013
Title 講題: Blessings from Heaven 福從天降
Speaker 講員: Pastor James Tsang 曾兆棋傳道
Scripture 經文: Matthew 5:1–12
[English] 2/3/2013
Title: Lessons on Worship from the Sacrifices of Israel
Speaker: Dr. Frank Chan
Scripture: Leviticus 1:1–2
[Chinese] 2/3/2013
講題: 真道與真福
講員: 曾兆棋牧師
經文: 馬太福音 5:1–12